Polymath Legal

Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Do you own a business or are you starting a business? Contact Polymath Legal. We gladly serve many businesses across an array of industries. From formation, to contracts, to brand protection and more, we help entrepreneurs navigate legal and compliance hurdles so that the entrepreneur can focus on the business of their business. We proudly serve as outside general counsel to multiple companies. We offer multiple flat-rate services including entity formation, contract review/drafting, and trademark/copyright applications. Polymath Legal also has a monthly subscription package for outside general counsel services which includes multiple legal services for one flat, guaranteed monthly rate. For many of our business clients, we were there for their formation, and continue to serve them years later, today—that’s part of what we mean when we say Relationships First. Contact us today to see how Polymath Legal can help create a solid legal foundation for your business.

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